The Important Book: 5 Minute Friday
Every year as a second grade teacher I read The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown to my students. They were preparing to write an...
The Important Book: 5 Minute Friday
When God Blows Up Your Too Small Agenda
The Love We Really Need Today
Stolen Safety
A Celebration of Joyful Sorrow
Blinded By THE Light
Let's Stop Striving and Celebrate!
To the Resolution Resistant: One Great Goal
Good Tidings of Great Joy
The Price of Thanksgiving
'Twas the Night Before Voting...
Rise, Pick Up Your Bed, and Go
3 Misconceptions About Christianity
Why do we love fall so much?
4 Ways to Respond to Unmet Expectations
September 11: God in the Midst of Terror
Resting in the Long Way
Identity Denial
Identity Challenged
Things That Sneak Up: Our Identity as Ambassadors